Sri Sanat Kumar Sahu
Dear parent/student
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”
‘Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology was established in the year 2009 under the umbrella of “Neelanachal Educational and Charitable Trust.
The speedy development in the field of information and technology has accelerated the demand for the value based education in the stream of engineering technology which is qualitative, progressive and multidimensional in competitive global environment. We provide quality education beyond the four walls of classroom to cope up with the corporate world.
The aim of BIET is not only to produce mere diploma holders but the bright talented men and women equipped with all round development of personality. Our vision is to impart quality education with life skills in all core disciplines of knowledge by developing global leaders who are passionate, committed and confidence to take initiative in nation building and create a peaceful environment for work, worker and workplace.